Wednesday 24 November 2010

Choosing the Right Footwear for Fitness Training

Many of our customers put in a lot of time and effort making sure that they're buying the right piece of BH Fitness equipment to suit their needs...and then they use the scruffiest, oldest pair of trainers you can imagine to do their workout in. Our good friends at Millet Sports have this advice.

When exercising with BH Fitness Equipment it is imperative to use the correct footwear in order to get the best out of your workout. With the advanced technology on offer in the latest designs from the industries big brands, you can perform at your best which in turn will see you getting the results you want. The highly competitive nature of the fitness shoe market means that brands are continually evolving new ways to help you get the best out of your workout with the use of new materials and design concepts all focussed on giving you that extra spring in your step.

In addition lightweight and comfort play a major role in how well you perform during your workout. This is also an area where there have been major advancements in terms of materials and designs used to shave off ounces and provide total comfort for your feet. The more comfortable you are the better you’ll perform as minimal distraction allows you to focus on achieving your goals.

Training with the correct fitness shoes also helps to prevent injury through absorbing shock and ensuring you have support in all the correct areas. With the advances made by fitness shoe manufacturers in understanding of bio mechanical processes associated with exercise, the shoes they now produce provide support in the perfect areas to prevent injury. Staying injury free is vital to achieving your fitness goals.

The use of fitness shoes with BH Fitness equipment is integral to enjoying your workouts and achieving your fitness goals along the way. With the sheer variety of technologies and concepts on offer from the leading brands, there’s a vast array of options allowing you to choose the perfect shoe for your unique requirements.

To find the perfect footwear for your fitness training we recommend that you take a look at
Millet Sports - they have a huge selection to choose from and offer excellent advice if you're not sure what you need.

Find out more about the range of BH Fitness equipment at

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Are you thinking of buying fitness equipment?

If you've not had an item of fitness equipment before it can be difficult to work out which model is right for you. The range of treadmills and cross trainers from BH Fitness is fantastic - but how do you decide which model to pick. One of our retailers, Inspire Fitness, has sent us this guide to help you to pick the BH Fitness treadmill or cross trainer that will best suit your needs.

When buying a treadmill you need to think about the following things:

How often will you use the treadmill?

Will you be walking, jogging, running?

How tall are you, what is your stride length?

If you are using the treadmill frequently you will need to think about purchasing a treadmill with a large running belt and lots of cushioning, this will ensure impact on the knees is reduced.

If you are going to use the treadmill to run or sprint you will need a wide deck - the faster you run the more you space you will need. If you're tall you will need a long running belt.

It is always wise to speak to an expert when buying a treadmill, so why not give Inspire Fitness a call and let them help you make the right choice of treadmill.

More detailed treadmill guild can be found on the Inspire Fitness website:

Cross Trainer (Elliptical)
When buying a cross trainer (elliptical) you need to think about the following things:

How tall are you and others who will be using the equipment?
If you are over 1.5 m the general rule is you will want a stride length of over 18” to ensure that the cross trainer feels natural to use. Imagine if someone ties your shoes laces together - you can't walk because your normal stride length is a lot longer. Same applies to a cross trainer, if the stride is too short you will not be able to have an effective work out. In the same way if you are shorter you don’t want a stride length that’s too long as you will feel over stretched all the time. This is more important on the rear driven machines as some who is shorter can still use a 19” stride length cross trainer if its front driven.

Have you ever used a cross trainer before?
There is a big difference between front and rear driven machines. The front driven machines are generally best as they give a greater level of comfort and also anybody above 1 m tall can use a 19” stride length - this is very helpful when the machine is going to be used by many members of the family.

How often are you going to use it?
If you are going to use the cross trainer (elliptical) for long periods of time i.e. over 30mins per session then I would recommend ensuring that the cross trainer has full bearing joints and not just greased bushes. This will help give a smooth feel to the cross trainer and over all comfort of the cross trainer.

It is always wise to speak to an expert when buying a cross trainer (elliptical)  so why not give Inspire Fitness a call and let them help you make the right choice of cross trainer (elliptical).

More detailed cross trainer guide can be found on the Inspire Fitness website:

Thursday 4 November 2010

New Websites for the BH Fitness Range

We've been busy launching our 2 new websites - and - which give product news, reviews, buying guides and a whole lot more.

Our aim is to showcase all of the BH Fitness range of products and to provide clear links to our retailers where all of our products are available. We've listed our treadmills, cross trainers, exercise bikes, indoor cycles, multigyms and vibration trainers with a handy summary of all of the key features. Ideal if you're trying to decide which of our great models to buy. Once you've decided you can click on the link to take you to one of our retailers who will offer a great sales and delivery service.

So...what are you waiting for...take a look at and and pick which fitness equipment is right for you!!